Chiari Malformation (pronounced Kee-ah-ree) a serious neurological disorder where the bottom part of the brain, the cerebellum, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine and causing many symptoms.

October 24, 2010


Hey all sorry its been so long since I posted Jason got home on the 16th of September. I had my preadmit on the 21st and the surgery on the 29th. I spent the first day in the ICU which they thought at 4 am I needed a catscan so we get down there do it then proceeded to throw my red popcicle up on the nurse lol he wasn't to happy with me. I spent half of the next day in the ICU for that one I kept trying to tell them to give me something solid if they wanted me to stop throwing up but they wouldn't listen even when I got upstairs so I had hubby sneak me in something and Like Magic I stopped throwing up. On monday the 4th I tried telling them my period is like clock work and that I was late could I have a pregnancy test they said no don't worry its just the stress of the surgery I said fine and kept taking their meds. The doctor came in on Tuesday day 6 of my hospital stay and asked when I would like to go home I told him today if possible I wanted to get out of there since they weren't listening to me. I went home that afternoon at around noon and by three I was at walmart. Jason made me stay in bed on Wed but Thursday morning I took the pregnancy test at 8 am and by 9 am I was in my OB's office for lots of blood work and a med switch I was pregnant I called my NS and told his nurse and when I came in for my stitch removal the nurse who happens to be male asked if we wanted his bassinet and bouncy from their last baby it was the expensive kind rocks vibrates and plays music. (BTW I distinctly remember hearing the surgeon ask for my mornings pregnancy test on my way asleep and hearing the nurse say it was less then 1 but here is the kicker I didn't have any blood work or urine tests at all that morning the nurse lied) So as of right now not only am I recovering from the surgery I am also 7 wks pregnant