Chiari Malformation (pronounced Kee-ah-ree) a serious neurological disorder where the bottom part of the brain, the cerebellum, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine and causing many symptoms.

October 24, 2010


Hey all sorry its been so long since I posted Jason got home on the 16th of September. I had my preadmit on the 21st and the surgery on the 29th. I spent the first day in the ICU which they thought at 4 am I needed a catscan so we get down there do it then proceeded to throw my red popcicle up on the nurse lol he wasn't to happy with me. I spent half of the next day in the ICU for that one I kept trying to tell them to give me something solid if they wanted me to stop throwing up but they wouldn't listen even when I got upstairs so I had hubby sneak me in something and Like Magic I stopped throwing up. On monday the 4th I tried telling them my period is like clock work and that I was late could I have a pregnancy test they said no don't worry its just the stress of the surgery I said fine and kept taking their meds. The doctor came in on Tuesday day 6 of my hospital stay and asked when I would like to go home I told him today if possible I wanted to get out of there since they weren't listening to me. I went home that afternoon at around noon and by three I was at walmart. Jason made me stay in bed on Wed but Thursday morning I took the pregnancy test at 8 am and by 9 am I was in my OB's office for lots of blood work and a med switch I was pregnant I called my NS and told his nurse and when I came in for my stitch removal the nurse who happens to be male asked if we wanted his bassinet and bouncy from their last baby it was the expensive kind rocks vibrates and plays music. (BTW I distinctly remember hearing the surgeon ask for my mornings pregnancy test on my way asleep and hearing the nurse say it was less then 1 but here is the kicker I didn't have any blood work or urine tests at all that morning the nurse lied) So as of right now not only am I recovering from the surgery I am also 7 wks pregnant

September 14, 2010

Great News!!!

I finally got the letter to bring jason home, and I got my MRI report yesterday no SYRINX! just six bulging discs I can handle that so onward to my head opening experiance bright and early on the 29th of Sept. at 7:30 AM I will be christened a Zipperhead. Will post more as I get it

September 11, 2010

Surgery Date

Well I saw the nuerosurgeon yesterday. He basically said "I'm not going to paint you a pretty picture of rainbows and flowers you have two choices you can go see the neurologist and get pain meds for the headaches but they are going to tell you just to get the Chiari fixed or we can skip that whole process and do the surgery. By no means is going to fix all of your symptoms but it will make you somewhat better." So on the 29th of Sept. I will be having my decompression surgery. I also had my full spinal MRI last night looking for Syrinx and for a tethered cord. The MRI guy wasn't supposed to tell me but he said he didn't see any Syrinx but he did see several bulging discs in my thoracic spine where that goes I don't know but at least now I can see the light at the end of this very long tunnel. I ask everyone for their prayers though not for me. It is going to be difficult road getting my husband home from Iraq in time and my kids know that something is up. Please keep my family in your prayers mine have already been answered.

September 09, 2010

Worst Days

This is turning out to be one of the worst days ever. My head is pounding my hands are shaking and I am having to rely on my husbands supervision to help me get my son from school today. This really blows! I cannot wait to see the surgeon tomorrow and beg for this surgery I can't keep living like this

September 06, 2010


Had a great weekend despite being sick. Saw my new nephew and man is he handsome. 8lbs 12oz. My brother Cody finally got to meet my 2yr old son conner which was a first. We haven't seen cody or his wife lindsay in nearly 3 yrs. Went out to my aunts church bazzar and I won a game of bingo and my cousin won my son Seth a 3ft tall stuffed bannana lol It was a great weekend and a long drive home but we survived lol

September 03, 2010

Sleep HA

Well I guess the sandman thought it was cool to skip my house last night oh well I'm still headed to San Antonio today I laugh in your face Sandman you won't keep me down

September 02, 2010

Interesting few days

Well the last few days have been very interesting. I have finally gone two days without a headache. On the downside when I took my walking test for school and was shaking by the end, but I did it. This cane thing is starting to make my shoulder hurt but I guess its a necessary evil to keep from falling flat on my face lol . My son decided he needed a hair cut at school yesterday he now has two bald spots on top of it. I had my Art Appreaciation test today and actually got a perfect score. I am so excited to head to San Antonio tomorrow. My nephew is on his way I can't wait till he is born and I get to see my brother that I haven't seen in nearly 3 years. So much to cram into such a little weekend. See you all on the flip side

August 31, 2010


I finally have the date of my Cine MRI and my neurosugeon appointment They are both on the 10th of Sept. At least I will know when things will start happening after that I cannot wait. Have been cleaning house with disinfectant today since little one caught the bug at school all I need to do now is the dishes Wahoooo a good day!!!!


Well last night was rough ended up falling asleep on the couch with a migraine and couldn't get comfortable. Got up to get my oldest ready for school. Poor baby is sick. Looks like he is staying home today and going to the doctor instead. Both my boys are laying down under the covers and watching the story of joseph a rare occurence lol Hoping for a good day and that my son starts feeling better soon

August 30, 2010


People are getting on my nerves they think that they know more than my doctors and telling me I am making up symptoms for attention. They don't seem to realize I have had this my whole life and the symptoms are now rearing their ugly heads. Well if they want to be like that then they are not really family. This is hard and stressful for me I don't like feeling this way I guess from now on I will not be telling them anything and when things happen I'm not going to tell them I don't need negativity and I don't need people telling me I shouldn't be feeling this way. I need support now not scorn or riducule. What is going on is me and my husbands business. The only peoples opinions I care about are my husbands and Gods. So unless you are going to be supportive and helpful then please keep your comments to yourself.

August 29, 2010


Today has been a stressfull but blessed day My leg was weak and my head feels like its burning but on the good side we went to church this morning and this evening we went back and Susan got baptised and we had rootbeer floats afterwards. Came home and started dinner. Really cannot wait to drive to my parents place next weekend and seeing my brother I haven't seen in almost 3 years. Now we are watching A kid in Aladins Court.

August 28, 2010

Diagnosis to present

Went in for the MRI near the end I started getting a burning sensation on the back of my head. By this point I had already had a migraine for 2 days
Day 3 of migraine. Got a call at 2:45 pm with MRI results Chiari I Malformation with compression of my spinal cord. Took tramadol before bed for the pain. I slept two hours that night.
Day 4 of migraine still no pain relief and another nights sleep lost
Feeling exhausted and feel like the back of my head is on fire. Called my doctor at 8:30 they said they would call me back. Tired weak and nauseas
Talked to Doc and he has referred me to a Neurosurgeon named Dr. Trammell was told I wouldn't be able to get an appointment for three weeks.
Got about 5 hours sleep last night which is a vast improvement so I am keeping a good attitude.
John 14:27 says Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid That is my goal for today
The pain has gotten worse as the day progressed the dizzieness and the burning in the back of my head are whats bugging me the most.
I woke up this morning and went to take the dogs out to the bathroom my hands started to shake. Got dressed for church was singing when I got really dizzy so I sat down and tried to cross my legs and found I had to pick my leg up and over to cross them.
This was one of the worst days but also on a good note I finally have an appointment with Dr Trammell on the 10th at 8:30 am
woke up this morning to my left leg not working at all. It took about ten minutes for the feeling of being able to move to come back but now it just feels like its asleep and has been like that all day

Back Story

I have been having dizzy spells where I would loose my vision for most of my adult life. But after my horse accident in 2007 they got more frequent. I had my second son in 2008 and after I received the epidural thats when the pain started with the headrushes. Just with the headrushes at first. Let me explain the pain it feels like someone hammering a nail into the back of your head. Then the pain started coming any time I raised my voice again not all that frequent maybe just once a month or so. The last several months though the pain started coming once a week at first then several times a week. The last two months though it has been almost a daily occurence and I thought ok I have migraine headaches. I was diagnosed 3 months ago with IBS as well not thinking anything was related I went to my doctor 2 months ago and asked him if I was anemic because I was exhausted all the time. No matter how much I slept I always woke up tired. Then the headaches got to much for me to handle so this last month I went in to see him again feeling like this was all in my head and they were going to think I was crazy. I brought up the headaches too him and said I had found something on the internet that I thought explained everything. He was very accomodating and said sure tell me and we will look into it. I told him I thought it could be a Chiari Malformation. He said those are really rare and I think what you have is Migraine headaches but lets do an MRI to be sure there is nothing funky going on. I said ok and off to MRI I went a week later. I had the MRI at 4 on a Tuesday by 2 on Wedsnday I got a phonecall from my doctor. He said Tiffany you were right You have a Chiari Malformation type 1. So I got off the phone with him in shock I went straight to the hospital and picked up a copy of my mri and my results I have a 1.14 cm decention of the cerebellar tonsils past the foramen magnum.